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[PADG:1996] RE: Film duplicating services or facilities

While we have considered using digital media for reference use, we're still
relying on film as the "archival" one ... for reasons that others here can
articulate better and in more technical detail than I can. 

Lisa L. Fox, Senior Conservator 
Local Records Preservation Program 
Missouri State Archives 
P. O. Box 1747 
Jefferson City, MO  65102 
   (573) 526-3866 
   Fax:  573-526-3867 

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Patricia Morris [mailto:Patricia.Morris@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent:	Thursday, April 10, 2003 2:47 PM
> To:	padg@xxxxxxx
> Subject:	[PADG:1992] Film duplicating services or facilities
> We have a collection of motion picture film of varying sizes.  Can anyone
> recommend film duplicating and dubbing service that can handle a
> collection that has permanent value?  Our IT Services can dub 16 mm films,
> but they are not trained or equipped to handle a collection like this.  
> We are considering duplicating the films to DVD's, but I have been advised
> by one film archivist that the film base is still the most durable media.
> Comments are welcomed on this point.
> Patricia Morris
> Faculty Director, Preservation Department
> University Libraries
> University of Colorado at Boulder
> 184 UCB
> Boulder, CO 80309-0184
> 303/492-3849 FAX 303/492-0494
> Patricia.Morris@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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