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[PADG:1445] ETD at ASU


Some time ago I queried the members of  PADG for information from institutions that were working on ETD efforts. One respondent asked that a summary of the ETD initiative at Arizona State University be posted when the work was.  What follows is a brief summary of the process. 

The ETD initiative at ASU was spear headed by the Deans of the Graduate College and the University Libraries. They appointed the Associate Dean of  the Graduate College and the University Archivist, who is also the Head of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts in the University Libraries to set up a  task force to examine the potential for implementing a program for electronic theses and dissertations for the three campuses of ASU.

The task force was charged with collecting information about existing programs elsewhere, identify ASU academic programs what would be interested in doing a pilot ETD test and prepare a comprehensive white paper that offered recommendations addressing a series of issues. 

This task force of about 30 individuals, faculty, administrators, academic professionals including librarians, was established. Representatives from Information Technology and the East and West campuses were also included. It  was divided into 3 subcommittees each with several resource people assigned.

The chairs of the subcommittees also served as members of the Executive Committee. This group was  co-chaired by the Associate Dean of the Graduate College and the Head of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts of the Universities.. 

The subcommittees were 1) Advantages/Challenges; 2) Technical Issues; 3) Format and Outreach. The specific areas to be addressed by each group were:

Subcommittee  1) Advantages/Challenges - Conduct a general review of what other institutions are doing with specific attention to our peer institutions; make contacts with peer institutions to identify specific Advantages and Challenges to their approach.

Subcommittee  2)  Technical Issues - Cataloging and linking; acceptable software and media formats; long term storage and accessibility; preservation; binding; submission-technical; character sets.

Subcommittee 3)  Format and Outreach - Format review and submission process; access and access restrictions; training - faculty and students; communication/press releases; advising process/content review; copyright.

In addition to the co-chair of the Task Force the University Libraries was represented by 3 additional librarians on subcommittee 2. These members were: a representative from the Library Information, Systems and Technology Department, the Electronic Resources Coordinator from Technical Services and the Head of the Preservation Department who also served as Chair of this subcommittee.

The final report were submitted to the Executive Committee in April and the white paper has been forwarded to the Deans for their consideration.  

I hope to hear something of the next step in the coming weeks.

I don't know if and when any of the work done at ASU will be available on the web.

Lois Schneberger

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