PADG - Subject Thread Index for Aug 2000

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 23:02:47 GMT 2009
13 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:1049] Conservator position: Mo. State Archives, Fox, Lisa
  • [PADG:1048] CCAHA Workshop Announcement, CCAHA
  • [PADG:1045] Re: binding contracts, Patricia Palmer
  • [PADG:1044] upcoming preservation & security symposium, Kaylyn Hipps
  • [PADG:1043] CCAHA Workshop Announcement, CCAHA
  • [PADG:1041] Posting for Preservation Resources, Karen Muller
  • [PADG:1039] LC National Digital Library Program announces American Revolution Map collection, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:1038] LC National Digital Library Program announces- Civil War Band Music collection, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:1037] RE: preservation photocopy vendors, ECC
  • [PADG:1036] preservation photocopy vendors, Shannon O'Dell
  • [PADG:1035] TO FILM OR TO SCAN, Jamie Doyle

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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