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To Richard Peek & Henry Grunder, by way of reply to yesterday's (6/8) messages:

Richard: I think you took Henry's response to the PARS posting as message I had written.  No matter - the point is that an important area for discussion has been identified and it sounds like a few positive steps have already been taken (e.g. the AL/ALCTS/PARS Preconference co-sponsored by SAA).  We have a full agenda for the June 28 PARS discussion group session, but this matter definitely ought to be given further consideration - but in what arena?  An inter-organizational exchange of programs sounds like a great idea.  How might we best work toward a "unified field theory" documenting the exploration of the potential for digitization as a preservation tool?  Are CLIR, NEH, the Digital Library Federation (& other groups - please excuse if not mentioned) already thinking along these lines?

Henry: I think Richard's response in part addresses the issue you raise.  I will not be able to continue with this thread of discussion at this time - but certainly it should be continued by others who may be interested.  If not now via PADG then certainly beginning with Summer ALA.

- Walter Cybulski
  Head, Quality Assurance Unit

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