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Re: Compact disk transport packaging

In response to Wes Boomgaarden's request for information for an improved
system of transporting circulating Compact Disks (CDs) outside of the library:

Acme Bookbinding has developed a new concept to protect multimedia items
shelved in libraries, museums, and archives.  The products consist of one
of Acme?s library bindings or custom enclosures with a supporting foam
sheet fitted inside.  The foam sheet is cut out to the shape of the item,
providing a snug fit with a thumb hole, then sized to fit the binding cover
or enclosure.  The foam, Plastizote, is an inert, closed-cell, cross-linked
Polyethylene foam with a smooth non-abrading surface.  Acme maintains
sheets of 3/8 and 5/8 inch thickness.  The 3/8 matches the thickness of a
CD jewel box, the 5/8 equals the thickness of an audio cassette in its
case, and the 3/8 plus the 5/8 accommodates a video cassette out of it case.

Media such as audio cassettes and CDs can be housed with books or
separately.  Housing with books can be accomplished either as a binding or
in a custom enclosure.  As a binding, stubbing matching the thickness of
the foam sheet is bound with the text block.  The foam sheet is then sized
to match the height and width of the text block and glued to the inside of
the back cover to provide a uniform thickness in the binding.  When housed
together in a custom enclosure the Plastizote is sized to match the height
and width of the book.  In the case of a small book with a larger foam
sheet required to hold the other media, a second foam sheet can be cut to
hold the book and matched to the size of the other media?s sheet.  

We are also offering ?Media Cases?, which are Roxite C covered and stamped
turned-edge cases with Plastizote sheets affixed to the inside of the
covers.  The media cases allow CDs, audio cassettes, or other miscellaneous
items to be shelved like a book.  

The sheets and their enclosures can be made to accommodate a single item or
multiple items.  Multiple items can be grouped either as multiple openings
on a single sheet, e.g., four audio cassettes held in a single sheet,
and/or multiple layers of sheets, e.g., 4 CDs, two held in each sheet.
When multiple sheets are required, sheets not glued into the enclosure will
have an acid free board adhered to their base, creating a tray.

We showed samples of these at midwinter last year in DC at the Library
Binding Discussion Group, and Johns Hopkins is considering purchasing a
sizable quantity the Media Cases.  You may want to talk with Jeanne Drewes
at John Hopkins to get her opinion.

Pete Merrill-Oldham
Director of Marketing & Sales
Acme Bookbinding
PO Box 699
100 Cambridge Street
Charlestown, MA 02129-0004
617 242-1100 x 245 or 800 242-1821 x 245
fax 617 242-3764

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