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Re: Closing up shop

I totally agree with Ed's comments here.

>Date sent: 23-JUL-1995
>I am sorry to see MICAT-L go.  It probably provided more information
>than was immediate obvious.  I myself sent off a number of private e-mail
>responses to inquiries rather than through the list because as an
>'outsider' I did not feel that responses to the list from people who
>were not curators were really welcome.
>There really is a need of a list dealing with all aspects of
>historical musical instrument care, repair, reproduction
>and research.
>I sometimes get the impression, perhaps because I have no intimate
>contact with conservators, that the dominant attitude toward musical
>instruments in collections is to regard the instruments as archival
>artifacts allowed to crumble into dust with minimal
>interference.  Perhaps I am wrong, but there seem to be
>notable collections which fall apart in their cases, or are stored in
>basement boxes available only to the most eminent of scholars. If I am
>wrong, perhaps someone can enlighten my ignorance.
>Ed Margerum

Gerald Evoniuk
Instrument repair technician
School of Music, Box 870405
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0405
Fax 602-965-2659
email Gerald.Evoniuk@ASU.EDU

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