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Conservation of Papua New Guinea flute

In response the Jeremy Montagu's question of removal of adhersive tape, I
have a couple of suggestions to offer. I don't doubt that if I had the
object on my bench I could find a solvent that would remove the tape
adhesive without having an effect on the paint or the organic material.
However, I would require a very close working relationship with the object
before even guessing how to go about treating it. Then I would need to do
a variety of tests, in a very unobtrusive way, to steer my guesses. And
then the treatment itself would doubtless throw a few surprises my way.
The crux of this is that the Barcelona Museum should be consulting with a
professional conservator in Spain. Any advice, other than to suggest an
actual examination and treatment by a conservator, should not be given at
arms length. My experiences at CCI, where we are obliged to service the
whole of Canada for just such questions as this, make me err on the side
of caution. If I am reluctant to give advice directly to the owner over
the phone, how much more cautious I will be when reading of symptoms
conveyed by the owner to a third party. I suggest that the Museum contact
either the professional conservation group in Spain, or the Spanish
National Committee of ICOM. 

Bob Barclay

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