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Labeling and marking objects (fwd)

This following message may be of interest to MICAT-L members. If you wish 
to reply, please use Anne Claudel's address, not mine.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 14:41:33 GMT
From: Anne Claudel <claudel@dsk.ch>
To: CIDOC Distribution List <cidoc-l@nrm.se>
Subject: Labeling and marking objects

The "CIDOC Services" working group is concerned, among
other tasks, with the production of fact sheets related to
various aspects of museum documentation practices.

The first fact sheet dealt with the registration of objects
when they enter the museum. For the second fact sheet, we
decided to tackle the difficult subject of "labeling and
marking objects". 

We are currently looking for restorers - or other museum
professionals - willing to take a look at the first draft
of the fact sheet. 

We would also welcome information about the use of bar-codes
to label objects, as well as general indications related to
the marking of natural history artifacts.

Thank you!

Anne Claudel
Database for Swiss Cultural Heritage
Erlachstrasse 5
Postfach 5857
3001 Bern (Switzerland)

email: claudel@dsk.ch
tel: + 41 31 302 55 44
fax: + 41 31 302 55 78

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