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[frameconnews] Conservation training day for commercial framers

Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery, England
Date: 4th of July 2001
Tutor: Graeme Storey

This one-day workshop is tailored to the needs of commercial framers who
wish to learn more about practical conservation framing and mounting
techniques.  Others interested in the subject are also welcome.

Serious damage can be caused to artworks by poor quality materials and
techniques; the first session will show examples of this.  Participants will
be shown the different types of mountboard and hinging materials.  Details
of materials suppliers and non-damaging techniques will be provided.

Practical demonstrations of paste making and hinge cutting will take place
with the opportunity for individual practice.

The training and work of conservators (what they do and why) will be briefly
covered.  This will be illustrated by slides showing various conservation
treatments.  Visible signs of deterioration (i.e. what to look for when
discussing customers' artworks) will also be covered.  There are
considerable advantages to the framer in building a working relationship
with a conservator.  Details of how to contact local specialist conservators
will be given out.

There will be time for questions.

Costs: �60 before 1 June �70 after 1 June.  Includes coffee, buffet lunch
and tea.

Contact: Clare Hampson,
The Institute of Paper Conservation
Leigh Lodge

Telephone 01886 832323
Fax 01886 833688
e-mail: information@ipc.org.uk


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