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Re: [frameconnews]

In a message dated 2000/10/29 bahasa@aol.com writes:

bahasa@aol.com on 2000/10/29 10:16:59 AM

Please respond to frameconnews@egroups.com

To:   frameconnews@egroups.com
cc:    (bcc: Scott Williams/HullOttawa/PCH/CA)
Subject:  Re: [frameconnews]

In a message dated 10/25/00 13:01:13 Central Standard Time, from
cordie@u.washington.edu Kenneth Brooks writes:

<< We must remember that foamcore still has styrene in the middle and over time
it does
break down releasing deleterious gases.>>

I would like to know the chemical composition of the the deleterious gases
referred to in this message.

R. Scott Williams
Senior Conservation Scientist (Chemist)
Canadian Conservation Institute

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