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Re: [frameconnews] lining wood frames

Hello Janice

The usual reason to isolate art from raw wood is to prevent tannins and
lignins, naturally present in wood, from directly contacting the art.  An
impervious barrier such as Marvelseal foil tape is, perhaps one of the best
solutions; RabbetGuard mylar tape is another alternative.

Most pressure-sensitive adhesives are hydrophylic, and therefore have
difficulty in adhering to raw wood - my understanding is that both of the
previously mentioned products use special adhesives.

Although an impervious barrier is most desirable, a second-best alternative
is to apply a minimum of two coats of a plastic-rich waterborne polyurethane
clear finish to the raw wood, such as made by Camger: two coats, and let it
dry for at least three days before closing up.  Note that polyurethane is
not  impervious, but that it will act as an appropriate long-term protective
medium for most artwork.

Using any paper product will not prevent the acids, lignins etc. from
getting to the artwork: it will merely slow down the process.  Thicker is
better, but remember that acids will migrate through any paper product.
Without knowing all of the intricacies of this project, I would hazard that
the artist does fully understand the limitations being imposed.

If the artwork is of great value, perhaps a frame-design change is in order
to accommodate adequate spacing from the rabbet -  a minimum of 1" is

Good Luck


Janice Collins wrote:

> One of our artists has requested that we frame her prints using wood
> spacers that sit directly on the edge of her art work. I know that this
> is not recommended.  The solution would be to line the exposed wood with
> a suitable paper, tape or 2 ply matboard.  The artist wants to find an
> expedient method since this invloves lining some 100 frames.  Most acid
> free paper tapes with the correct ph level do not adhere to wood, at
> least not for long. She could line the frames with 2 ply matboard, but I
> think this will take too long.  These inquiries by the artist are being
> made at the last minute I'm afraid.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
> Thank you.
> Janice Collins

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