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Re: [frameconnews] lining wood frames

>One of our artists has requested that we frame her prints using wood
>spacers that sit directly on the edge of her art work. I know that this
>is not recommended.  The solution would be to line the exposed wood with
>a suitable paper, tape or 2 ply matboard.  The artist wants to find an
>expedient method since this invloves lining some 100 frames.  Most acid
>free paper tapes with the correct ph level do not adhere to wood, at
>least not for long. She could line the frames with 2 ply matboard, but I
>think this will take too long.  These inquiries by the artist are being
>made at the last minute I'm afraid.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
>Thank you.
>Janice Collins

Why not use an acrylic spacer? United Mfrs. Supply Inc. sells these 
in several configurations.

George Cannon
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

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