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[frameconnews] Anyone there? (Q. about warped painting)

Hello FrameCon list,

        I have received no mail from this list, so I feel I may be shouting 
into an empty room, but here goes anyway...........

        I have a painting on canvas board (about 16" x 20") that is quite 
warped --  convex on the painted side.  Is there a no-harm method to flatten 

        Don't know if it's pertinent, but I would guess the painting is oil, 
as it was done in the '50s.  Am I wrong in assuming that before about 1955, 
acrylic paints were either unheard of or at least were seldom used?  The back 
of the canvas board is coated with what appears to be gray paint.  This 
coating was evidently not applied by the artist, because on top of it is 
            73 x 59 cm
        E Schmincke
         - - - - -eldorf     [a German city?  can't read the beginning of the 

Thanks for any advice.

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