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[frameconnews] Re: Oil Tempered Hardboard

>>>1 What exactly it is and how it is different from normal

Oil tempered hardboard is a fiberboard that has be "tempered" with

This is a form of hardening. Oil temperd hardboard is smooth on both
sides and has a dark smooth finish.

Regular hardboard is lighter in color and in most cases is smooth on
one side and textured on the other.

>>>2 Is it formaldehyde free<<<

It appears to be. Material Safty Data Sheets for the product indicate
the following ingredients.
Wood Fibers
Paraffin Wax
Titanium Dioxide
Calcium Carbonate
Vegtable Oil

>>>3 Is there a downside to using it in conservation framing<<<

Right off the bat, my knee jerk reaction is to never use wood in any
conservation framing other than the frame.

>>>4 Availability in UK<<<

Sorry, can not help with this one as I am in the US.

The oil tempered version is not carried by all lumber yards here. The
last time I bought some, I had to use a specialty yard that caters to
wood workers as opposed to construction.

>>>I believe that hardboard is called Masonite in some countries, and
Ian Marsh's original question probably refers to that<<<

Masonite is a brand name used by the Masonite Corporation. Hardboard
was invented by William Mason in 1924.


Merrill E. Grayson, CPF
Picture Perfect of Nora Corners
Indianapolis, IN

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