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[frameconnews] Re: Fw: Hairspray as a fixative

Title: Re: [frameconnews] Fw: Hairspray as a fixative
Dear Michael,
The problem or question I think is not that the hair spray is acid free but will it discolour with age. A fixative should be as stable as possible and not change the quality of the drawing especially with pastels.  Also I think it is impossible to completely fix a chalk drawing so you will always have to be careful with static lifting the pigment to the glass if used and never use Perspex�.

Stuart Welch
Conservation By Design Limited
Tuesday 26th October 1999
From: "Michael & Pauline Masters" <PPF@xtra.co.nz>
To: "Stephen Todd" <frameconnews@egroups.com>
Subject: [frameconnews] Fw: Hairspray as a fixative
Date: Mon, Oct 25, 1999, 10:24 am

----- Original Message -----
From: Picturesque Picture Framing  <mailto:PPF@xtra.co.nz> To: Stephen Todd <mailto:frameconnews@lists.stanford.edu>  
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 10:05 PM
Subject: Hairspray as a fixative

this message was bounced. I`ve never sent a message before, but enjoy reading all the info that comes through the frameconnews. Thought that this was a good way to find out anything I am not sure on or can`t find an answer to.

Am I going about this the wrong way. I thought I was a member of the list.




A customer has just brought in a chalk drawing done by an accomplished South African Artist. She was advised by the artist to use hairspray as a fixative. The artist apparantly always uses hairspray as a fixative for chalk.

Initially I threw up my hands in horror - especially when I saw marks on the paper where it had been sprayed - but, am I missing something?

Because hairspray comes into contact with our skin is it considered acidfree?

I am a relatively new framer, very aware of conservation and thirsting for knowledge - always eager to hear of new ideas etc and keen to always do the right thing for my clients - but this seems pretty radical!

Any comments would be appreciated.

Michael Masters GCF

Picturesque Picture Framing

Otorohanga NZ    

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