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FW: MODERATE -- artframe@netexp.net wants to post a message to frameconnews

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Sent: 11 March 1999 00:05
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Subject: MODERATE -- artframe@netexp.net wants to post a message

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--- Here is a copy of the message:

To: <frameconnews@egroups.com>
From: "ARTFRAME, Inc." <artframe@netexp.net>
Subject: Re: [frameconnews] Re: Societies materials etc
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 19:03:43 -0500

Frank said...

>ARTFRAME asked what was the difference between `rag' board
and high alpha
>cellulose board...

Well, not exactly -- I know the differences between them.
My question was about the disagreement with FACTS standards
and the differences in terminology between USA and Europe.
I believe you provided that answer as well:

>...Whereas the first - cotton is latently acid free at
manufacture, wood pulp
>high alpha cellulose which has been chemically treated,
still contains
>lignin - it has to, and despite buffering, a potential to

There's the difference.  Bainbridge (a popular brand here)
archival matboards are made from alpha cellulose pulp.  They
claim that *all* lignin is cooked away, and that their
boards are as lignin free as the 100% cotton boards made by
others.  AIC, Library of Congress, and all the other USA
conservation authorities (to my knowledge) have approved the
alpha-cellulose boards for archival uses.  It is interesting
to note that Bainbridge also makes a few 100% rag boards, as
well -- presumably for those of us who just can't trust

Your term was "high" alpha-cellulose.  Does this imply that
European boards with such content also have some content of
ordinary wood pulp?

>... In my
>experience here in the UK, museums are reluctant to move
from their time
>founded trust in the all cotton material.

To be honest, I too prefer the cotton boards.  In any case,
FACTS standards are written on the basis of approvals and
informed opinions of industry authorities in the USA.  Here,
pure alpha-cellulose boards are called "archival" by the
authorities, and FACTS accepts that.

Now your disagreement with FACTS is understood.  Perhaps
FACTS will take these differences of terminology into
account when revising their standards.  Thank you for
sharing your information.

James Miller, CPF; GAFP Committee Member
Suburban central Ohio, USA

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