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Re: Societies etc.

>...What I was trying to establish is whether the
>conservation community and the framing community has ever got together to
>create common goals and common standards, anywhere in the world.

I believe the FACTS Institute in California would be closest to what you are
looking for.  You can contact them by Email facts@wenet.net

A few years ago FACTS started compiling & editing standards for preservation
framing.  Input for the standards comes from picture framers, conservators,
manufacturers and other authorities, and the standards are written
more-or-less by consensus.  This group within FACTS is called the Generally
Accepted Framing Practices (GAFP) Committee.   The results have been well
received and FACTS in gaining popularity.  The non-profit institute is
privately funded by donations and memberships.

>...I feel,
>rightly or wrongly that here at least, there is some distrust between the
>two disciplines. Is this universal?

I have the same feeling.  Framers too often attempt conservation practices;
being uninformed, their results are often disasterous.  Conservators seem to
resent (and rightly so) this sophomoric intrusion on their scientific &
learned industry.  Framers, then, see conservators as being arrogant and
condescending toward them.  Conservators who also do framing are seen as
competitors.  A wedge of disdain separates many framers and conservators, I
am afraid.  There are exceptions, of course, when framers and conservators
have opportunity to share work and build respect for one another.  We need
more of that.

>...How do conservators working in private
>practice get indemnity cover for things such as accidentental or incidental
>damage, or just plain mistakes? I would guess that in the US this could be
>major problem.

Our private-sector insurance industry provides all the protection we need
for such eventualities, and at reasonable prices.  Only a fool in our
litigious society would accept responsibility for another's valuable items
without complete insurance coverage.

James Miller, CPF, GAFP Committee Member
Suburban central Ohio, USA

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