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November Minutes
- To: bap@lists.Stanford.EDU
- Subject: November Minutes
- From: homo obsolescensis <whenry@lindy.stanford.edu>
- Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 17:09:05 -0800 (PST)
- Message-Id: <199612110109.RAA15352@lindy.stanford.edu>
- Sender: owner-bap@lists.Stanford.EDU
Forwarding bounced message from janice
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 15:44:26 -0800 (PST)
From: Janice Esther Westley Braun <jbraun@mills.edu>
To: bap@lists.stanford.edu
Subject: November Minutes
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Janice Braun
Special Collections Curator
Olin Library, Mills College
submitted by Janice Braun, 12/3/96
Location: NPS, The Presidio
Richard Boyden, National Archives & Records Administration
George Bradford, San Jose Fire Department
Janice Braun, Mills College
Sr. Catherine Ann Curry, SF Archdiocesan Archives
Holly (Helene) Dunbar, NPS
Todd Eckert, NPS
David Gaynon, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Susan Goldstein, City Archives, SFPL
Susan Ewing Haley, NPS
Susan Klingberg, San Jose State University
Marilyn McDonald, Foothill-DeAnza College
Debbie Malone, Buddhist Churches of America Archives
James W. Mason, Independent
Asa Peavy, Special Collections, SFPL
Elizabeth Ryan, California Academy of Sciences
Paul Wakeford, UC San Francisco
John Ziarnik, Hastings Law Library
The meeting was called to order by RB; introductions were made.
Post-mortem on Oct. 5 Fire Demonstration & Workshop: The workshop was
deemed a success with 18 attendees. The fire extinguisher and sprinkler
system control demonstrations were both very useful. A suggestion was made
that the workshop be repeated periodically, perhaps at different sites
and/or as a preconference (possible only if the conference is near a Fire
Training Center, which are booked up extremely far in advance). It was
also suggested that an internal sprinkler demonstration would be a good
addition if facilities permit.
Planning for Feb. 7, 1997 (working date) Disaster Planning & Response
Workshop: The discussion of the workshop was tabled to the Program
Mutual Response Network (MRN) Issues:
Progress report: RB reported on a meeting with Tim Boyd of the Governors
Office of Emergency Services. BAPNets MRN should be coordinated with the
State Master Plan and other networks, especially in case of a regional
disaster. BAPNet will continue discussions with other networks and
incorporate their ideas into the plan.
With respect to our network, ten institutions have expressed written
support so far. NARA has made an ocean container available to the network
as a supply site. Institutions will incur a one-time fee (sliding scale of
$100-$500). It was suggested that the containers hold 2000-3000 boxes and
approximately $2000 worth of other supplies. An institution, drawing on
the common stockpile, would have to replace supplies within ninety days.
Providing mutual assistance is at the discretion of an institution. If an
institution leaves the network they cannot take supplies; if the network
dissolves, the supplies will be distributed.
Grant proposal: The grant and fees will pay for supplies, training, and
(possibly) a part-time staff member. The greater Bay Area would be divided
into five zones--each with a container. LSTA was just authorized and no
guidelines have been issued yet. Questions were raised regarding amounts
and types of matching funds/in-kind contributions (especially for large
institutions, which are key to the success of the MRN) and the issue of
governmental agencies sharing with non-governmental agencies. In-kind
contributions will be voted on by a Steering Committee representing the
affiliated institutions. MM pointed out that a letter of intent is simply
an expression of interest and shows support from management, but it is not
a contract. The successful San Diego grant will be used as a model. There
was a call for volunteers to help write the grant which should take about
a month.
Greater Bay Area Library Council: RB and PW had a meeting with the
Greater Bay Area Library Council board and discussed their involvement
with the MRN. Linda Crowe was designated as their liaison with BAPNet.
Public library participation was emphasized. There are still questions
regarding geographic inclusiveness (can Monterey County be included?)
Clarification of Relationship of Mutual Response Network to BAPNet:
BAPNet and the MRN are not synonymous. The MRN is the lead project being
undertaken by BAPNet (a relatively new organization) at this point in
time, and does preclude other projects or issues.
Other issues were discussed, such as membership (should MRN participation
include institutional membership?; should the Steering Committee be
members?) and the possibility of changing the name of the organization
(since we may be including counties not in the Bay Area). A suggestion was
made that it be kept in the Bay Area for now, with possible expansion at a
later date. A question from a previous meeting regarding FDA regulations
and cold storage was resolved: there are no such FDA regulations and
trucks can be decontaminated.
December General Meeting (election of officers): It was agreed to
postpone the December meeting to January 9, 1997 (tentative).
Earthquake Preparedness Workshop (Kathy Orlenko, NARA): It was proposed
that this be a one day event in June, when memberships lapse.
Other: Beth Ryan mentioned an issue, discussed by BAPNet previously,
regarding the formation of a regional book conservation lab. Issues
include cost effectiveness, training v. physical site, and the necessity
of studying similar labs. Jim Mason, Beth Ryan, Susan Haley, and Janice
Braun volunteered to look into the matter.
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