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LSTA grant proposal

UPDATE: Mutual Response Network LSTA Grant proposal

Earlier this month, the California State Library announced the 1997-98
Library Services and Technology Act grant program.  We now have the
guidelines and are studying them.  Grant proposals are due February 3,

On November 8, I met with Linda Crowe, who heads the Bay Area
Library Information System consortium (BALIS) and the Peninsula and
Santa Clara Valley library systems.  Linda is on the board of the Greater
Bay Area Library Council, where Paul Wakeford and I met her in October.

Our November meeting was to discuss in detail how we can advance
mutual assistance for disasters.  Linda offered to set up appearances
for her library system boards.  We would want to try to interest their
affiliated institutions to come in individually.  This will be ongoing.

Of more immediate interest, Linda offered BALIS as the financial agent
for our LSTA grant.  The advantages of this is that BALIS is a non-profit
joint powers agreement, whereas none of our affiliated institutions is. 
Moreover, as a JPA, BALIS is not bound by public agency procurement
rules such as low bidder, etc.  The way this would work would be that
BALIS would receive the grant funds and write our checks for supplies
and services upon request and prepare the financial reports.  BAPNet
would prepare narrative reports and submit them to BALIS.  BALIS would
charge the standard 10% administrative charge allowed under LSTA. 
Incidentally, BALIS performs this same service for GBALC.

We also brain stormed a little about what our grant should look like.  For
example, what would it take to build a comprehensive mutual aid network
in all 14 counties of State Region II?  This is because the feeling at the
GBALC board was that we would have a better chance of getting
funded if we conformed to an entire State Library region (upon
reflection, this isn?t true, as both IELDRN and San Diego/Imperial have
shown).  I came up with $100,000.00.  After more discussion, in which
we agreed that BAPNet could be somewhat less ambitious, we came up
with $60,000.00 for one year:

$20,000.00 for five containers plus basic supplies for each
$10,000.00 for training workshops, fees, travel, prep., etc
$30,000.00 for one half-time coordinator position

This is only a brief summary of a brief discussion.  Other issues will
include what we can offer as institutions by way of matching resources
for the LSTA funding.  For example, the five principal San Diego DRN
affiliates offered salaries and benefits of staff on a part time basis and
other in kind contributions totaling $50,000.00 for their $20,000.00 grant.

I hope to convene a meeting of representatives of all ten institutions that
have expressed formal interest in the mutual assistance network.  The
agenda would include a founding declaration, perhaps a signing of the
draft agreement, perhaps exploration of financial contributions.  At this
time, I?m not sure this will be possible before the first of the year, but I
would to propose that we try to meet on Tuesday, December 10.  Please
let me know if as soon as possible if you can attend, or if you have an
alternative date to propose.

As always, please provide comments and suggestions.

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