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Bylaws draft for correction
- To: bap@lists.Stanford.EDU
- Subject: Bylaws draft for correction
- From: Richard Boyden <richard.boyden@sanbruno.nara.gov>
- Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 16:53:00 -0500
- Message-Id: <s14dcc81.067@gpwsmtp.arch2.nara.gov>
- Sender: owner-bap@lists.Stanford.EDU
Greetings: Marilyn McDonald sent me the revised bylaws today for
posting on the mailing list. Please advise her if there are still any required
changes, ambiguities, etc. I couldn't download her attachment, so I
keyed the revisions to the 3/4 version in my machine. So I may have
added mistakes. Please advise if this is the case. Thanks.
Bylaws, adopted with revisions pursuant to meeting 3/7
1. Name of Organization: Bay Area Preservation Network (BAPNet)
2. Purpose: BAPNet seeks to:
* raise institutional awareness of preservation issues through
educational materials and briefings directed towards managers and
policy makers;
* create cooperative programs, including a mutual assistance pact,
for disaster planning and response;
* encourage preservation education by presenting public programs,
training workshops, and other activities;
* foster communication among conservators, librarians, records
managers, and archivists by providing a common forum for the exchange
of preservation ideas and methods; and
* help libraries, archives, museums, and related institutions to seek
funding for preservation projects and activities.
3. Membership: Personal and institutional members in good standing.
Dues paying members will be in good standing
4. Officers: Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer
5. Duties of Officers:
Chair: Presides at all meetings, act as chief administrative officer,
serves ex-officio on all committees.
Vice Chair: Presides in the absence of the chair, chairs nominating
Secretary: Keeps records of proceedings, keeps minutes of all
meetings, responds and maintains correspondence.
Treasurer: Keeps accounts of the organization, maintains the mailing list
6. Executive Committee: Consists of chair, vice-chair, secretary,
treasurer and chairs of standing committees.
7. Committees:
Standing Committees: Established by executive board and ratified a vote
of the membership. Committee chairs appointed by chair to serve two
years. Committee members appointed by the chair of the committee to
serve for two years. Can be discontinued by vote of executive
committee and ratification of the membership.
Ad hoc Committees: Appointed by the chair and stand until duties are
8. Terms of Service:
All officers and standing committee chairs/members serve for two years.
9. Nominations:
The Vice-chair will chair and solicit at least two volunteers to serve on
the nominating committee. The committee will present a slate of officers
to be voted on by the total membership at a general meeting. Nominations
may be made from the floor of the meeting.
10. Elections:
Elections will be held at a general meeting. If two or more candidates are
nominated for one office, election will be by ballot at the annual meeting.
11. Vacancies:
In case of vacancy of the chair, the vice-chair will succeed and serve
the rests of the chair's term. The secretary will become the chair of the
nominating committee. All other vacancies will be appointed by the chair
for the term of office.
10. Meetings: BAPNet will hold at least one general membership meeting
per year. Written notice of a general meeting must be sent to all
members at least 30 days before the meeting. Electronic transmission is
11. Quorum: The members attending the annual meeting will be
considered to form a quorum.
12. Dues: Dues will be proposed by the executive committee and voted
on by a majority of the membership at the annual meeting.
13. Amendments: Amendments to the Bylaws will be approved by 2/3 of
the members attending the annual meeting. Written notice of proposed
Bylaw amendments must be sent to all members at least 30 days before
the annual meeting. Electronic transmission is acceptable.
Other issues
Dues: Annual Dues will be $10 each year payable by July 1 of the
current year.
Standing Committees
We should approve standing committees also:
Disaster Preparedness
These committees need a purpose and function statement of two of
three sentences.
Marilyn McDonald
Tel: 415-949-7721; FAX: 415-941-1638
Foothill/De Anza Community College District
Internet: mcdonaldm@admin.fhda.edu
12345 El Monte Rd.
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
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