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Re: [AV Media Matters] Akai Terecorder

Various options for manuals for some electronics exist.  A vendor called
W7FG Manuals is on the web.   Additionally, the Recorder name and model
keywords in a Google.com search engine effort likely would yield other
manual sources in the audio community.  One other possible source are
from Lindsey Books, or Antique Electronic Supply, Tempe AZ.  all on web
reached by Google.com search.
Hope you find it.  Remote possibility of course is the parent vendor, is
Akai still marketed in USA?

There is a local used audio vendor, but do not know if he sells copies
It is Circle Stereo in Austin TX.  Closed Sun. and Mon. Tues. to Sat.
business day hours Central Time, and the number is 512-454-8277.  Not
if he has a web page, it is a one person operation.  Well, make that one
person and his cat.

Good Luck,
Stuart Rohre
Appl. Res. Labs, UTx

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