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Re: [AV Media Matters] Akai Terecorder

i have dealt with something similar very recently. an
uher variocorder (3 speeds including 1 7/8 in
excellent condition.) there were several problems with
the very elaborate track selections, and with the
playback electronics in general.

my solution has been to gut the electronics out
completely, wire a pair of xlr connectors directly
from the heads (this particular head needs about 68 k
in parallel with the head) and feed the outputs to a
digidesign M Box, 24 bit, 48 KHz.

there is a small speed error at 7 1/2 ips of around
0.8 %. 

the post processing involves correcting for this speed
error in Cool Edit Pro, then equalising for IEC 1
using the Cool Edit Parametric equaliser (i have
verified the result using a nortronics test tape, as
well as a test tape produced on B-77 in very good

i have found that this gives me the best possible
quality (very often the electronics in some the old
tape recorders is the weakest part of the design),
especially in terms of noise and distortion.

does any body have specific problems with this method?


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