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[AV Media Matters] Potential Move of Listserve from Topica to Stanford Universit

I have been offered the opportunity to move the hosting of this list to 
Stanford University. As is always the case with these things - there are 
plusses and minuses to moving. The big plus is for people who cannot 
join this list because Topica is on the Spam "blacklist". This of course 
has nothing to do with our list, but does effect us because some 
organizations block anything coming from Topica because it is on the 
black list. Another reason is that there have been annoying problems 
over the years - such as people being mysteriously removed from the list 
- and this has happened to some people more then once - it is hard to 
pinpoint exactly why. Another reason is that there are significant 
resources at Stanford that can be a benefit to the Moderator (i.e. me) 
if there is a problem.

On the minus side is that Stanford uses MajorDomo as its listserve 
software. This software is not as sophisticated as Topicas in terms of a 
web interface, and use the more traditional ways of enrolling (for 
example). It may also mean more work for me for certain types of 

For you it will probably not make much of a difference. Those of you who 
have filters set on your email may need to make a change or two due to a 
new server - but i judge this to be pretty transparent. 

Before I go ahead - I would like to hear from YOU - if you have any 
comments one way or the other - please send them to me at my email 
account - jim@media-matters.net - please to NOT post them unless you 
intend them to be for all the list to see. So please do NOT use your 
reply key to this email if you want to send me your ideas on this 

I will report back before we actually do anything - if we do. 

jim lindner

James Lindner

Moderator: AV Media Matters Listserve
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