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RE: [AV Media Matters] Uncompressed digital tape

The chances of anyone making a "reasonably priced" uncompressed digital
videotape format is very, very slim.  The data rates are simply enormous
compression techniques work too well for most end users to notice the
difference.  The various (Japanese) manufacturers are only interested in
making machines that they can sell in large quantities because that is
only way they can make money and that is the only way a format can
reasonably priced.  Lacking a large market for an uncompressed format,
is doubtful they will ever develop such a machine.  As for what format
replace digibeta, my crystal ball is very cloudy.  The Japanese format
are ongoing and eternal.

Charles Repka 
> Can anyone tell me the probability that the market will soon provide a
> "reasonably" priced uncompressed digital videotape in the near future?
> I'm asking because some of our productions are considering 
> transferring
> their archived 1-inch masters to digital beta.  Does anyone 
> see a format
> that will replace digital beta?
> Thanks.
> Scott Turner
> WGBH Archives

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