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RE: [AV Media Matters] New Test Results

But the heat generated by other sterilization processes will absolutely
the discs.  We have received a number of (promotional) CD here in our
that had been run through a sterilization process.  The discs heavily
discolored and warped beyond recognition.

Charles Repka 
> Tests conducted by Media Sciences in early 2002 on CD-ROM discs,
> recorded CD-R discs, and unrecorded CD-R discs indicate that electron
> beam irradiation of the type used to sterilize U.S. mail does 
> not impair
> media interchange. See http://www.mscience.com/faq29.html.
> Regards,
> J. Hartke
> Media Sciences, Inc.

This email was sent to: waiscool+av-media-matters@cool.conservation-us.org

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