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[AV Media Matters] Tapeless preservation

Is this a radical solution to an archiving problem?  Or has anyone else done

I was recently appointed to set up the archive project for the National
Assembly for Wales.  At the moment, all sessions and committees are recorded
onto Beta SX, but the objective of the project is to transfer everything to
hard disk/data cartridges.  I estimate that we will initially require about
20Tb, and that the archive will grow by about 6Tb a year.
In a couple of years' time - when new contracts will allow it - we plan to
record straight to hard disk, and eliminate tape completely.  The original
masters will of course be stored somewhere dark, dry and quiet, and left to
rest in peace.  We plan to start the pilot project in January 2002.

Miranda Morton
029-20898681  				Miranda.Morton@wales.gsi.gov.uk
Uned Darlledu                                  			Broadcast
Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru       			National Assembly
for Wales
CF99 1NA                                          			CF99

Dylid cymryd mai datganiadau neu sylwadau personol yw'r uchod, ac nid o
reidrwydd datganiadau neu sylwadau a wneir gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru,
gan unrhyw ran ohono neu gan unrhyw gorff sy'n gysylltiedig ag ef
Any statements or comments made above should be regarded as personal and not
necessarily those of the National Assembly for Wales, any constituent part
or connected body.

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