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Re: [AV Media Matters] AES

Is Audiocube a necessary front end to be able to use Quadriga?

Steve Smolian

Moderators Comment:
Actually it is more the other way around - If you go to the web site and
press the news button there is the press release. Then press on the word
Quadriga which is in the headline "VIDIPAX FIRST TO OFFER AUTOMATED AUDIO
ARCHIVAL WITH 'QUADRIGA'" it will take you to a prodct information page. Do
some exploration at the site and you will also find a powerpoint
presentation that you can download to learn more. I am afraid that this
thread is making me more and more uncomfortable - I am not a Sascom
representative. Check it out on your own.

jim lindner

----- Original Message -----
From: <mwcpc6@aol.com>
To: <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [AV Media Matters] AES

>In a message dated 09/25/2000 8:19:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>jim@vidipax.com writes:
>>  Looks like you missed one of the booths Jim! Go to
>>  http://www.sascom.com
>>  and click on "News" to learn about a new technology being used to
>>  preserve audio!!
>>  Jim Lindner - President
>>  VidiPax -
>After "DeClicker, DeNoiser, DeCrackler, DeScratcher, DeClipper, DeBuzz,
>RepairFilter, Azimuth, Spectralizer, Demotorizer, Multicomp, and
>SpectralDeHiss" I wonder what is left!
>It seems to me that there is a big difference between remastering and
>archival preservation. There is nothing wrong with producing a release of
>historic recording that sounds as if it were recorded today.  However
>ought to exist somewhere a record of what the artifact was like to the
>who produced and used it.
>Mike Csontos
>Moderators Comment:
>You need to read the press release more carefully and  more importantly
>about the product at the web site. Quadriga is an automated system for
>documentation and analysis in archival transfers - AudioCube is an audio
>workstation with all the "tools". When using Quadriga you are not using
>of the audiocube tools unless you want to get into an editing environment
>which case you can. Quadriga is used  to ANALYISE the audio stream.
> I really feel uncomfortable with all of this - I am not a salesman for
>stuff - just a customer, so investigate it on your own - bottom line - we
>are not necessarily using the audiocube tools in preservation work - and
>frankly in the work we do I doubt we will use them much at all unless
>is a particular problem - the importance in Quadriga has nothing to do
>workstation tools.
>jim lindner

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