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Re: [AV Media Matters] AES

How does it perform against CEDAR & Sonic?

Joe Salerno

Moderators Comment:
I think that there are other people here that are better qualified to answer
that - one in particular was a real Sonic devotee. As I mentioned it is just
being installed today, and what a demo does and what it does in the real
world are often different. I will ask some people around here to be thinking
about this question over the next couple of weeks and I will get back to the
list after we have some experience.

jim lindner

Video Works! Is it working for you?
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Fax: 603-415-7616
----- Original Message -----
From: <smolians@erols.com>
To: <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AV Media Matters] AES

>If you are referring to Audiocube, I saw this demo'd.  It semed to do a
>things better than, a few as well as, and some more klutzily than other
>products, just like most other products.
>I loathe this site and others like it.  No prices are listed, and I'm
>going to put myself in the hands of a telephone salesman who will hard
>me a product I always assume is way out of my price range.  PUT IN PRICES!
>Steve Smolian
>Moderators Comment:
>More like a flesh and blood in the person sales person - this is not an
>inexpensive thing but a rather expensive complex system and you really
>to see it operate - not from a phone - but more to the point....
>The press release talks rather extensively about Quadriga which is the NEW
>product - it does run on the audiocube platform but is a SUPERSET of
>audiocube - so it is more then audiocube in several very interesting and
>specialized areas. You can think of Quadriga as more of an archival
>documentation and analysis station then an audio workstation - it really
>takes things in a different direction. You might find the powerpoint
>presentation that is at the site that gives a great deal more
information -
>highlight Quadriga in the press release and you get to more info. It does
>include AudioCube but is much more then just audiocube or a filter or
>another audio workstation product. But I am not a salesperson either -
>the first customer, and it will be installed tomorrow so we have more to
>As far as prices - that is up to the manufacturer to include or not
>include - I can tell you that the price varies rather dramatically
>on what is included in the system and how it is configured - so it is not
>simple thing to price out and that is one reason it is not posted I
guess -
>but I can also tell you that it is VERY expensive - the reason to get it
>not price, it  is far more expensive then other products including Cedar
>Sonic and of course is more expensive then Audiocube - but it has some
>unique capabilities that we find very useful for the type of work we do
>here. We will soon see how it does in the real world. All products have
>their plusses and minuses - but I have to say that this product has had
>real thought put into it and deserves a good look - this is not just
>audio workstation!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jim Lindner" <jim@vidipax.com>
>To: <AV-Media-Matters@topica.com>
>Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:19 PM
>Subject: RE: [AV Media Matters] AES
>> Jim Wheeler wrote:
>>> There were about 500 Exhibitors showing how to create the material
>>> archivists
>>> end up with but no one showing how to preserve it!
>> Looks like you missed one of the booths Jim! Go to
>> http://www.sascom.com
>> and click on "News" to learn about a new technology being used to
>> preserve audio!!
>> Jim Lindner - President
>> VidiPax - The Magnetic Media and Information Migration Full Services
>> Company
>> Telephone 212-563-1999
>> www.vidipax.com
>> Moderator of A/V Media Matters@topica.com

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