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[AV Media Matters] RV: Preservation of Dictaphone Recording Belts

Cross posted to AV-Media Matters on behalf of Lance Watsky

-----Original Message-----
De: Lance Watsky <lwatsky@emory.edu>
Para: ARSCLIST@galileo.cc.rochester.edu <ARSCLIST@galileo.cc.rochester.edu>
Fecha: miércoles 2 de agosto de 2000 14:54
Asunto: arsclist Preservation of Dictaphones

>Hello ARSC members,
>I am the Non-print Conservator for the Emory University libraries in
>Atlanta Georgia.  The other day one of the librarians brought me a pack
>of  Dictaphone belts.  Does anyone know how to determine if their is
>recorded information on the belts, will the recorded signal look like an
>optical sound track?  Are there any companies that can transfer the
>recordings on the belts to a modern format?
>If anyone has any information regarding dictaphone belts you can either
>post the information or send it to me directly.
>Thank you,
>Lance Watsky

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