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Re: [AV Media Matters] What to charge for use of footage

Penn State University Libraries has a standard Commercial Use fee for
anything they use from the archives, audio, photos, videos, films. It is
presently $50 per use plus expenses soon to go up to $100.

At 12:51 PM 4/6/00 -0700, you wrote:

>We have been approached by a television producer who wants to use
>footage from our collections for an upcoming documentary. This is a
>new experience for us, and I welcome your input on it:
>   * What questions do we need to ask?
>   * How do we document the use of the footage?
>   * Is there any kind of general price range that archives charge for this
>     service?
>Any advice is greatly appreciated. Of course, I need answers this afternoon,
>as the producer's deadline is early next week.
>Many thanks.
>Thomas Berry, Archivist
>Historical Construction Equipment Association
>16623 Liberty Hi Road
>Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Peter T. Kiefer, Coordinator
Fred Waring's America
The Pennsylvania State University
Special Services Building
1127 Fox Hill Road
University Park, PA 16803-1824
Email: ptk@psulias.psu.edu

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