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RE: [AV Media Matters] Digest for AV-Media-Matters@topica.com, issue 120

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>> As for long term storage, it seems that most archivists are desperately
>> trying to transfer film to an electronic medium before it disintegrates.
>> Cryogenic storage in dry nitrogen may be great, but who can afford it.

We, for one, are trying to offer practical and affordable archiving and
preservation solutions.   We have found that many content holders are simply
unable to build their own storage facilities. A proper vault is timely,
expensive and a complicated facility to build.  It takes large amounts of
capital, real estate and sophisticated equipment.   Rather than having to
reinvent the wheel, clients can extend the useful life of media materials
many fold be keeping them cold and dry, and still have access 24/7.  Here at
Hollywood Vaults clients can rent private, individual storage vaults that
maintained at 45 degrees F. @ 25% RH.

We also provide Cryogenic Freezer Units for photographic materials that have
either badly deteriorated, or are so culturally significant that you would
your great, great, grand kids to see it.  These freezers are maintained at
degrees F.  We do not recommend long term keeping of magnetic materials at
these low temperatures due to the potential problem of lubricant migration.
But more research needs to be done in this area.  After all, audio and video
tape raw stock is regularly shipped in the bellies of cargo planes that are
frightfully cold.

David Wexler, Founder / Pres.
Hollywood Vaults, Inc.
742 Seward St, Hollywood CA 90038
323.461.6464, 323.461.6479 fax

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