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[AV Media Matters] JIT reference

I am looking for a reference in the Journal of Imaging Technology.

The reference is cited in a paper published in "Polymers in Conservation"
by Shinagawa, Murayama and Sakaino: "Investigation of the Archival
Stability of Cellulose Triacetate Film: The effect of Additives to CTA
Support" and states, "However CTA support has a lot of advantages over PET
support in practical handlings.  For instance it can be conveniently
spliced by a film cement and easily rejuvenated by organic solvent."  I am
interested in the later part of this statement.

The reference is just - K.Brems, Imag. Tech, 1991,94.

If anyone out there has a copy of this article I would be very keen to read
it, or a least a precis.  The usual Oz sources have let me down on this

Mick Newnham
Engineering and Research Group
Preservation and Technical Services
ScreenSound Australia

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