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[AV Media Matters] New Recorded Sound Discussion List

Please excuse cross posting.

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) is pleased to
announce a new Internet discussion list to facilitate the exchange
of information on sound archives and promote communication among
those interested in preserving, documenting, and making accessible
the history of recorded sound. The list is sponsored by the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) as a service to
ARSC members and the archival community at large.

Topics appropriate for the list may include discussion about
recorded sound research, history, innovations, preservation,
archiving, copyrights and access and announcements about ARSC
activities and publications. All messages posted to the list will be
archived permanently. Other lists may be more appropriate forums for
subjective discussions of particular recordings or artists,
restoration of antique equipment, buying and selling recordings and
the collecting of ephemera.

The list is hosted by The Eastman School of Music of the University
of Rochester. Esther Gillie mailto:esth@mail.rochester.edu Sound
Recording Archivist for the Eastman School of Music, coordinates and
takes care of the day to day management of the list and is assisted
by Larry Appelbaum mailto:lapp@loc.gov of the Library of Congress
and David Seubert mailto:seubert@library.ucsb.edu of the University
of California, Santa Barbara.

For more information about ARSC visit the ARSC web page at
http://www.arsc-audio.org/ or contact the listowners at the above
email addresses.

How to subscribe to the list:

To subscribe, send an e-mail to:


Leave the "Subject:" blank. In the first line of the body of the message,
type in:

subscribe arsclist

Then, send the message normally. In a few minutes, you will get an
automated reply back from the majordomo with a code to authenticate
your subscription request. Follow the directions in the message
properly and send back the authorization command in a second e-mail
to mailto:majordomo@cc.rochester.edu. You will then be subscribed to
the list.

Association for Recorded Sound Collections
PO Box 543
Annapolis, MD 21404-0543

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