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[AV Media Matters] AMIA Scholarship Program

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A reminder to all those interested in applying for an AMIA
scholarship--the postmark deadline for applications is MAY 15, 1999.
Further information about the three scholarships is given below.

AMIA has announced plans to award three scholarships in 1999: Third
Annual Mary Pickford Scholarship, the Second Annual Sony Pictures
Scholarship, and the Inaugural CFI Sid Solow Scholarship. These
scholarships - each in the amount of $3,000 - will be given as financial
assistance to students of merit who intend to pursue careers in moving
image archiving.  The funds will be forwarded to the recipients'
educational institutions and applied to tuition or registration fees for
the 1999-2000 academic year.

The Mary Pickford Scholarship is supported by the Mary Pickford
Foundation.In 1997, it was established as the first field-wide award
designed specifically for students interested in moving image
archiving.  The Sony Pictures Scholarship is supported by Sony Pictures
Entertainment.  In 1998, it became the first financial award in our
field to be endowed on a permanent basis.  The CFI Sid Solow Scholarship
is supported by Consolidated Film Industries, and named in honor of the
founder of the company. It completes AMIA's goal, set nearly four years
ago, to develop an ongoing scholarship program in partnership with
leading institutions in the field.

"AMIA is fortunate in being able to work with the Mary Pickford
Foundation, Sony Pictures and CFI in developing the scholarship
program," said AMIA President Linda Tadic.  "We are grateful to these
organizations, not only for their generous support, but for their
commitment to the future of our field and our profession.  AMIA is
honored to collaborate with them in educating new generations of

AMIA's Education Committee, chaired by Mary Ide and Janice Simpson, will
administer the scholarship program.  Committee members Eddie Richmond,
Oksana Dykyj and Karen Lund will manage the application and selection
process.  The Committee as a whole will review and evaluate all
applications and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.  The
Board will decide who will receive each of the three scholarships, and
the recipients will be announced in the AMIA Newsletter, and on the AMIA
Web Site and AMIA-L.  The recipients also will be invited to attend the
1999 AMIA Conference in Montreal, November 1-6.

The eligibility requirements and selection criteria for all three
scholarships are identical. Applicants for the scholarships will be
asked to meet the following eligibility requirements:

1. The applicant must be enrolled in a graduate program in film or
television studies or production, library or information studies,
archival administration, museum studies or a related discipline; or must
be accepted into such a program for the 19998-00 academic year.

2. The applicant must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (on a
4.0 scale) in his/her most recently completed academic program.

3. The applicant must submit the following documents: a.  A scholarship
application form.  b.  An official transcript from the applicant's most
recent academic program.  c.  An essay of no more than 1,000 words
describing the applicant's major field of study, interest in moving
image archiving, relevant experience and/or education, and career goals.

Major selection criteria that will be applied in awarding the
scholarship include: an applicant's demonstrated commitment to pursuing
a career in moving image archiving; the quality of an applicant's
academic record; and the strength of an applicant's program of study as
it applies to moving image archiving.

Students from any country may apply.  Students need only submit one
application form and one set of supporting documents (transcripts,
essay, and letters of recommendation) to apply for all three awards;
however each applicant is eligible to receive only one award.
Applications must be postmarked no later than May 15, 1999.

Application forms were recently mailed to all AMIA members and selected
educational institutions.  Additional forms may be obtained from the
AMIA Office (8949 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90211; phone:
310-550-1300; fax: 310-550-1363; email: amia@ix.netcom.com) or
downloaded from the AMIA Web Site (http://www.amianet.org).

Questions concerning the Mary Pickford, Sony Pictures and CFI Sid Solow
Scholarships should be directed to:  Eddie Richmond, UCLA Film and
Television Archive; (phone) 323-462-4921 ext. 11; (fax) 323-461-6317;
richmond@ucla.edu; Oksana Dykyj, Concordia University; (phone)
514-848-3443; (fax) 514-848-3441; oksana@vax2.concordia.ca; or Karen
Lund, Library of Congress; (phone) 202-707-0156; (fax) 202-707-2371;

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