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Re: [ARSCLIST] Another "collection" looking for a home (was Fred Williams)

In a message dated 6/18/2009 6:48:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
seubert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

I do  want to also mention that the majority of our acquisitions (and 
those of  every other archive) are still through donation, and that we do 
take  donations, large and small, provided they fit our collecting policy 
and we  have the resources to deal with them. We very rarely purchase 
collections.  The tax advantages of making a donation can be more 
attractive than the  prices paid by institutions or dealers. There is 
almost no market for  large collections and the only way to get retail 
prices is to sell piece  by piece.

Interesting timing for Mike and David's post. A fellow ARSC member -  
Anthony DiFlorio - sent me a short 17 minute DVD (which came today) - prepared  
by collector David J. Curtis - also an ARSC member - of his (Curtis') record  
collection which he would like to sell as one lot. Curtis is in his 70s  -  
and lives in suburban Philly (not far from where Fred Williams lives) and 
in  1934 started collecting 78s and buying them based on the Billboard 
Charts. As  45s and Lps came out, he added those and started documenting the songs 
on the  radio show "Your Hit Parade". In fact in the 1980s he helped 
produce a  syndicated radio show with that name. He indexed and cross indexed his  
collection using index cards and did this until the mid-1990s when he 
stopped.  In the video, he walks you through his collection and shows you his 
shelving and  where all the Time Life sets are; then the Readers' Digest sets 
and then the  Time-Life sets. There is a large Lpp section of Big Bands A-Z 
(Manny Albam to Si  Zentner) and many Sinatras as well as Abba! But 
EVERYTHING was on the Billboard  chart!
As I said, he wants this collection kept together. I'm pretty sure there is 
 no market for all his work. But I could be wrong. Maybe Mike and Leah want 
to  visit him and see when they go back to see Fred.
Meanwhile you can call Custis at 215-233-3258 or email him at : 
_unc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:unc@xxxxxxxxxxxx)  (per the ARSC Directory) if  you want to 
discuss or ask for a copy of the short DVD. 
I've never met David and have no other interest except to share.
Steve Ramm
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