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Re: [ARSCLIST] New LoC Recording Registry

Hello all,

The nomination criteria and procedures are outlined at the Library of
Congress's National Recording Preservation Board website which is located at

Click on the link "criteria and nomination procedures" to see criteria for
inclusion, and how to nominate. The direct link to the nomination page is

You may also print the pdf file and mail or fax it to:

National Recording Preservation Board
c/o Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington DC 20540-4698
Fax: (202) 707-8464

Given contamination-screening delays in USPS mail delivery to Capitol Hill,
the submission of nominations by e-mail, FedEx, or UPS is preferred."
Have a good day.


Thomas Pease
Recorded Sound Cataloger
Library of Congress
Packard Campus, Audio-Visual Conservation
Culpeper, VA

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> The Command records, specifically "Persuasive Percussion," "Provacative
> Percussion," "Big Band Bossa Nova," and "Stereo/35mm" all charted, in fact
> Persuasive was at the top of the Billboard stereo album charts for weeks and
> weeks. I know for a fact that "Persuasive" and "Provacative" together sold
> over 1 million records, and the briefly-available CD reissues sell for
> dozens of dollars used. These were immensely popular records in their time,
> and were very important to the industry as far as getting stereo established
> with the listening public, the Regular Joes.
> I don't know about 1000 Strings, but I think Esquavel sold quite well, too.
> After the massive success of Command, all the major labels tried doing
> percussion and "stereo spectacular" records. Some sold quite well, many were
> expensive flops, some are better remembered today than they were accepted by
> the public when released.
> Also not on the list but deserving to be there are the only two classical
> Gold Records from the 1950's -- the Mercury mono "1812 Overture"
> (Dorati/Minneapolis) and Van Cliburn's "victory lap" recording after he won
> the Moscow competition, on RCA. I believe in those days, Gold meant half a
> million or more in sales dollars, not 500,000 units.
> I hesitate to suggest this, but ... if you're making a registry that's
> truly representative of Americans' recording and listening tastes, then you
> need to include something disco from the mid-70's. I'd suggest that the
> soundtrack to "Saturday Night Fever," which I think went mulit-platinum,
> would cover that.
> I'm not sure how the nominating process works, but this list is very jazz
> heavy. Just to be clear, I love jazz and have a huge collection of jazz
> albums and listen to jazz more frequently than any other type of music, but,
> it was never what paid the bills for the music business, at least not from
> the dawn of LPs forward. It was a freak occurance for a jazz album to be a
> mainstream hit, and those albums do belong on the list, stuff like "Kind of
> Blue," and "The Girl from Ipanema." I don't have a beef with deep-catalog
> jazz on the list, I just wish other stuff that had a much wider influence on
> the listening public were on the list.
> Oh, one other thing that belongs on the list if you're including important
> audio documents. Mickey Kapp made a 6-LP deluxe set for Time-Life called "To
> The Moon" that summed up the space program through the first moon landing
> and included extensive NASA and other audio. It was more general and more
> all-encompassing than any other space-related recording and apparently sold
> many copies based on how many used and well-worn copies show up on eBay and
> in record shops I've visited.
> It was nice to see O. Winston Link's train recordings listed, but what
> about Emory Cook's, which were ground-breaking? I think Link's are much
> cooler, but Cook was there first.
> Mike, definitely agree about Sound in the Round, although I'm not sure how
> many copies of this sold to a mass audience. I know it came out on stereo LP
> (I have a mint copy), but I think it got its big bang in the early 2T tape
> days, so that was a niche if highly enthusiastic audience.
> BTW, I'm not convinced the folks who write copy for this list are even
> clear that stereo happened before 1958!
> Ya know, the thought also occurred to me that Latin music is
> under-represented, big-time! Anything from the Rhumba, Samba, Cha-Cha
> records of the 1940s to Machito to Latin funk to more modern pop-oriented
> Latin music like Ricky Martin (multi-platinum stuff, should not be ignored
> even if it's not a typical collector's taste). Aaron Levinson might chime in
> here, he's the true Latin expert on this list.
> -- Tom Fine
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Biel" <mbiel@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 10:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] New LoC Recording Registry
> From: Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Also, no early stereo pop stuff, which sold millions and millions of
>> records.
> Tom, you would have LOVED the presentation Dennis Rooney gave at ARSC
> last week about 1959: the first full year of the stereo disc.  It was so
> evocative of my experiences in hi-fi that year I hit 13 and bought my
> first component system (as partially just discussed in the prior posting
> about getting my first tape recorder.)  I was so glad my daughter was
> sitting there next to me to hear it, especially since we had gone thru
> the catalogs of 58 and 59 last year for a project she was doing.  Of
> course now I have to go thru the pre-recorded tape catalogs of those
> years to figure out the prior question, but those catalogs are several
> hundred miles away right now.
> I assume that you mean things like the Command Persuasive/Provacative
> Percussion series, the Somerset 101 Strings series, Bob Schory,
> Esquavel, and Sounds Your Eyes Can Follow on RCA, etc. but there are a
> fair amount of early stereo stuff from the 58-61 years like (1958) Dance
> Mania. Tito Puente; Winds in Hi-Fi. Eastman Wind Ensemble with Frederick
> Fennell; "Poeme Electronique." Edgard Varese; (1959)Time Out. The Dave
> Brubeck Quartet; Mingus Ah-Um. Charles Mingus; Giant Steps. John
> Coltrane; Kind of Blue. Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Cannonball Adderley,
> Bill Evans, and others; "What'd I Say," parts 1 and 2. Ray Charles;
> (1960) Drums of Passion. Michael Babatunde Olatunji; and (1961) Judy at
> Carnegie Hall. Judy Garland.
> We should nominate Sound in the Round, Music for Non-Thinkers, Music for
> Bang Barooom and Harp, Delirium in Hi-Fi, Bob and Ray on A Platter,
> Cartoons In Stereo, etc etc.  I've been meaning to do these and a bunch
> of other things but I never get around to it.  You can put nominations
> in year-round.  They did The Churkendoose this year (one of my
> favorites), and I've got a bunch of other kids records that also need to
> be nominated.  I resolve to do it, and all you other complainers, get
> off your duffs (or stay on your duffs in front of the computer) and
> nominate what you favor.
> Mike Biel  mbiel@xxxxxxxxx

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