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Re: [ARSCLIST] Meta comment with new subject line.

> --- On Sat, 10/25/08, Steven C. Barr <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I see ARSCLIST as a functional extension of ARSC itself...and those
> letters abbreviate "(The) Association Of Recorded Sound Collectors/
> Collections"...! This includes everyone from myself (who owns about
> 54,000 78rpm phonorecords)...to the "Recorded Music Department Of
> the Universal Library Of EVERYWHERE" which owns about eight
> million sound recordings in various formats...!

Association for Recorded Sound Collections
(Source: http://www.arsc-audio.org/)


Brandon Burke
Archivist for Recorded Sound Collections
Hoover Institution Archives
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
vox: 650.724.9711
fax: 650.725.3445
email: burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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