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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mercury Perfect Presence records

I meant to write "United and Radio Recorders do not surprise me"

Also, I would bet that all the Clebanoff records were made in Chicago, both the tape and film ones. My bet is based on the fact that previous Mercury records by Stevens and Clebanoff were made in Chicago, all at Universal, if memory serves me. Stevens made a great early-stereo album of circus music (originally released as one of Mercury's first 2-track stereo tapes in 1956), engineered by the legendary Malcolm Chisolm.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Mercury Perfect Presence records

Thanks Kohji! I would make a strong bet that "Jungle Sounds" (6030) by Carl Stevens was recorded in Chicago, most likely at Universal Recording. Does any listmember from Chicago go back far enough to have been in Universal Recording in the early 60's, back when Bernie Clapper ran it? Do you remember if they had 35mm mag-film capability? I'd think they would due to the large advertising business in Chicago, but I could be wrong. Universal and Radio Recorders do not surprise me since they both did plenty of sound-for-film work out in Hollywood.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "MATSUBAYASHI, 'Shaolin' Kohji" <shaolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Mercury Perfect Presence records

Good morning Tom-san and all,

At Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:14:05 -0400,
Tom Fine wrote:

As a followup to this, what I'm mainly interested in is, which studios used 35mm mag-film for Perfect Presence. As far as I can tell, it was Fine Recording in NYC, United Recording in Hollywood and Universal Recording in Chicago, and no one else. I have a couple of records listed but not detailed by Kohji-san and I will provide details to those soon, I have to pull them out of storage so it may be a few days.

As far as I know, PPS (Perfect Presence Series) titles starting from PPS-2020/6020 to PPS-2032/6032 proudly claims "f:35d Perfect Presence Sound Recording" on covers which indicates 35mm mag-film was used during the recordings.

As always, Ruppli's 5-volume discography books don't always contain
enough reliable information for such things as precise recording studios,
but here is what I can show you mostly from my own collection
(some of them not up on my website yet):

2020/6020    Fine Recording, NYC
2021/6021    Fine Recording, NYC
2022/6022    United Recording Studios, Hollywood
2023/6023    United Recording Studios, Hollywood
2024/6024    Fine Recording, NYC
2025/6025    Fine Recording, NYC
2026/6026    Radio Recorders Studios, Hollywood
2027/6027    Fine Recording, NYC
2028/6028    Fine Recording, NYC
2029/6029    (I don't have this, and Ruppli's book don't have much info)
2030/6030    (no detailed info on the cover)
2031/6031    Radio Recorders Studios, Hollywood
2032/6032    Fine Recording, NYC

Hope this helps, Kohji

MATSUBAYASHI, 'Shaolin' Kohji                 shaolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Maintainer, Jazz Discography Project          shaolin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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