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Re: [ARSCLIST] Brunswick and Marsh Transcriptions

joe@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I don't know about a complete catalog, but maybe somewhere out there someone has some sales literature sent to the stations by the transcriptions compnay that would give some details about series titles, performers, etc.

joe salerno

I have literally been looking for anything concerning the National Radio
Advertising Company for nearly 40 years, since at least 1971.  A little
company literature with some office pictures turned up last year but not
with a list of advertisers or programs like we do have for other
companies.  I did find some important trade-press articles and ads early
on, and those were quoted in my dissertation and further info from the
Edison site files I used in an ARSC presentation about the Edison
broadcast recordings because the company was trying to deal with Edison
before they just had to go with Brunswick.  I provided my data to Ross
Laird who did a very complete narrative in the introduction to his
Brunswick discography along with some articles that Donna Halper had
found in the Boston area. With the find last year of about 100 discs
from the family of a Brunswick engineer, there might be 250 or so discs
from the company known out of perhaps 2000 or 3000.  We could probably
put together a listing of the program series names and sponsors that
might be 75% complete, but the individual contents of the discs--the
performers and song titles--will only come from the discs themselves
because this info was almost never listed in the ledgers, only the
sponsor or program title, with the program letter and part number (like
Prog C Part 4).  Any time song titles or performers are mentioned in
Laird is because a disc was reported to Ross by its owner or it has been
reissued with the matrix number noted. (When these recordings are
circulated in the Old Time Radio collector circuit they never include
matrix numbers.)  Very few complete programs have even been compiled.  I
only have one complete program on discs myself, the first episode of the
I.G.A. series that George Blacker found for me.  To complicate matters,
occasionally individual discs were mixed and matched into different
programs, such as is noted in one example in the listing that started
this thread.

Mike Biel mbiel@xxxxxxxxx

Sammy Jones wrote:

Thanks so much for providing the session info for those Brunswick ETs! What
a pity that many of the sheets are missing.

I wonder if anyone has the other discs to these programs; it would be nice
to assemble complete (or near as possible) dubs.

One Marsh disc (1017/1018) does say "33 R. M. P." The other has "R. P. M."

There are handwritten titles on them as well:

Don Russo Orchestra (written under disc number at top)
A - College Melody [sic] - No. 1
B - College Melody [sic] - No. 2
C - Dan Russo Theme

Don Russo Orchestra (written under disc number at top)
A - Rigolletto [sic]
B - You'll Get By
C - Walk, Jenny, Walk

A - Lazy River
B - Suzanne
C - Fit as a Fiddle

A - How am I Doin'
B - Mood Indigo
C - In the Dim, Dim Dawning

You know, the music ain't half bad on these!

Any idea if the Marsh discs were intended to be used to create a faux-live
band show, or are the merely "station library" discs? I'd love to see a
complete catalog of them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Biel [mailto:mbiel@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Brunswick and Marsh Transcriptions

Sammy Jones wrote:
Apologies for the cross-posting...

I'm cross-answering so that both groups will see the answers.
I'm looking for session info for some Brunswick and Marsh Laboratories
transcriptions that I have gotten recently.

Some of the Brunswick ETs have So-A-Tone labels, but not all. Also some are
National Radio Advertising, but not all. They are all 12" and play at 78

Only one of these is specifically listed in Laird. During this era a lot of the sheets are missing, and some of the numbers are used out of order.
Southern Flooring Program, Program M, Part 2, XE-34825
Oct 1930.
DeVoe & Reynolds Painters, Program E, Parts 2 & 3, OX-37359 & OX-37360
Circa Oct 20, 1931
DeVoe & Reynolds Painters, Program C, Part 3, Wax: X-37548, Label: 37546
Might be after Dec 21, 1931 which would now be in the ARC era.
Hearthstone Harmonists, Program A, Part 3 only, XE-34469
Sept 1930 Originally listed as Radio Sweethearts (Mary and Jerry [Macy]) with Norman Brokenshire, Prog K

Brunswick Broadcast, Program 105, "Come to the Fair," XE-31458-B
Nov 1929

The Marsh ETs are 12" Allied Broadcast Circuit Standard Library discs
recorded at 33 1/3 rpm, and have 3 banded selections per side.

I have been unable to find specific info of when these were recorded and available. The ones I have say on the label that they are recorded at 33 1/3 R.M.P. Is that what yours say? Has anyone written the titles of the tracks on the labels. The ones I have seen outside of my copies also have the titles like mine. My guess is 1930 or 31.
Disc 1017, mx. 9012
Disc 1018, mx. 9013
Disc 1063, mx. 9057
Disc 1064, Mx. 9058

Sammy Jones
Any chance of getting dubs of these?

Mike Biel mbiel@xxxxxxxxx

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