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[ARSCLIST] AACR2 and recorded sound media

Hi all,

I'm curious about major changes in AACR(2) over time and hope that some of our long-time
catalogers can chime in with some wisdom..

When was the last time AACR(2) made a significant change to its Sound Recordings section?
I'm thinking, for example, of the introduction/removal/edit/etc of a particular format (ex: sound
cartridge, sound cassette, etc)? In other words, how stable are these designations?

How often have librarians and archivists had to go back and change legacy records because
of an introduction, removal, or edit?

What exactly is a Sound "Roll"? Is this what we're supposed to use to describe belts?

And lastly, what is the designation for dictation discs: "sound disc (Audograph)," etc? That
doesn't seem very definitive, and i certainly wouldn't expect our processing staff to know that..

FYI: I'm cross-posting this message on the AAA Message Board just in case..

thanks in advance, Brandon

Brandon Burke
Archivist for Recorded Sound Collections
Hoover Institution Archives
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
vox: 650.724.9711
fax: 650.725.3445
email: burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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