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Re: [ARSCLIST] RIAA EQ software

Greetings all,

I do not know if this is important in this discussion, but, as I understand it, the reasons for playback EQ in tape and in discs are different. In playback of discs, you are trying to de-emphasise what was emphasised during recording, and vice-versa. In tape, it is a physical characteristic of magnetic induction that output will increase 6 dB per octave; and then there are the playback head losses above a certain frequency, related to head gap and other factors. Therefore, a correct and complete playback curve for a recording "straigh off the head" must be tailored to the specific playback head (and transport) used, and cannot be taken from a "standards" book.

There is an excellent explanation of this here:




On Aug 25, 2008, at 12:14, Richard L. Hess wrote:

Hi, Folks,

I think perhaps this discussion could become more valuable if we think about some of the different classes where we might need to apply this.

Since I don't DO discs, I would like to start with an analogy from the tape world.

No, Tom, I don't connect my A-D directly to the head and do NAB/CCIR/IEC equalization in the software. For one, you need an integrator as well as the equalizer as the voltage output rises 6 dB per octave off the tape head.

BUT, I do record the machine outputs and the Dolby/dbx/Telcom outputs as TWO stereo pairs when I'm doing music work. I may not deliver the non-decoded file, but I may. In this way, if there is ever any question about the processing, we can do the analog re-processing without having to replay the analog tape.

I also use the DSP to correct for using instrumentation recorders for playing back audio, so in that sense I do add the NAB curve (or some approximation that better matches the actual sound on the tape since one might suspect that the recorder wasn't very accurate to begin with). As you know, instrumentation recorders are essentially constant current record which means that there is some playback equalization for the thickness loss and other losses in the tape path. The only pre-equalization is typically to adjust for high-frequency losses in the 300 kHz - 2 MHz range, depending on tape machine and that's only adjusted at the highest speed (60-120 in/s).

Conversely, I attempt to dial out all audio EQ when I'm reproducing instrumentation tapes on audio recorders--but that probably won't happen again now that my instrumentation recorder population has increased beyond all reasonableness <sigh/smile>.

There is another use I make of DSP and that's correcting odd off-speed replay when I need to, but, for my common off-speed replay (like 3.75 -50% varispeed to obtain 1.88 in/s), I have a separate preset that has been equalized to the 1.88 in/s MRL tape on the machines.

Now back to discs.

I would think that there is a time and a place to use both systems. I would guess that there might be a good reason to use hardware RIAA EQ (and by the way, the National Association of Broadcaster's publication of that curve is now available as are the tape standards at www.richardhess.com/tape/history/ ) for playback of "late model" discs and use software for the wide variety of other EQs.

There is a movement afoot (partially pushed by TracerTek -- the people who sell DC7 and flat preamps) that flat transfers with digital EQ is superior. I see Chas. Lawson's similar post, but I'm surprised analog components drift as much and as quickly as he said, but I don't doubt it happened.

I think that dividing the discs into different groups and then discussing each group might be more informative than lumping all discs together.

The original question was for RIAA but there are few RIAA discs that we should be transferring, even in Canada, as the true RIAA standard came into effect what, 55 years ago? I don't think it was adopted immediately, was it? I recall seeing London/Decca FFRR recordings (but maybe they were done with the RIAA curve and they just used the acronym for marketing) into the 1960s and perhaps the 1970s.

The freeware from Australia that I pointed Scott to last night does "delta" equalization, so it appears that you can tell it that you used an RIAA preamp to make the transfer and then it changes RIAA to FFRR or whatever.

Finally, when I have attempted to do RIAA playback, I have noted a WIDE variety of apparent responses from built-in preamps in receivers. I use an RTS-405 preamp which has adjustable R and C cartridge loading and I first adjusted it by ear based on several LPs and a CDs that I believed to be mastered from the same source. After doing that I found I was within about 2 dB of the CBS test record at 12 kHz. I tweaked a little more to bring the CBS test record into alignment. This setup is much brighter and has more detail (without sounding bad) than most of the preamps in receivers. Of course, that exacerbates surface noise, but, when properly adjusted there was surprisingly little difference between the CDs and the LPs other than the noise of the LP.

This has led me to speculate that at least one source of the critique of CDs as "sounding harsh" comes from a combination of overly bright speakers and rolled off RIAA preamps so that some of the disc noise is reduced.

So, I think this whole area needs further discussion and narrower categories.



At 09:09 AM 2008-08-25, Tom Fine wrote:
OK Charles, I'll take the bait ;) ...

What DSP RIAA "decoder" do you recommend? Do you also do this for tapes (ie take a flat feed at either head levels or no-EQ amplified level and decode in the computer)?

-- Tom Fine

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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