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Re: [ARSCLIST] RIAA EQ software

On Monday, August 25, 2008 8:11 AM, Bob Olhsson wrote:

> Nor do I but Gerzon's work is a real exception. His tape eq. 
> compensation curves test accurate to a tenth of a dB. Nothing 
> else comes close, a real bargain for $150 list. I don't trust 
> most audio software developers.

The Cube-Tec PlaybackEQ VPI (plug-in) for the AudioCube is the
only DSP phono EQ that not only is accurate, but also sounds
good/correct to my ears.  All DSP is done in 64-bit, and they've
managed to match the phase response of a good analog EQ.

See http://www.cube-tec.com/vpis/restorationvpis/playbackeq.html

The cost for the plug-in (about $3k) is on par with a high-end 
analog phono preamp.

In theory, the Cube-Tec plug-in can support tape EQs in addition 
to phono EQ, but I've not tested that (although I may in the next
6-12 months, and will share that with this list should I get
around to the tests).

> That said, the proper loading of phono cartridges is critical 
> and no software can correct that.

Absolutely - no way to properly deal with under- or over-damped
cartridge loading in DSP with existing tools (or perhaps ever,
as decoupling mechanical response from the signal may be 
impossible).  But just to be clear, one can have correct
cartridge loading, make a FLAT transfer, and correctly EQ in
the digital domain (assuming the right software).

Eric Jacobs
Tel: 408.221.2128

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