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Re: [ARSCLIST] The Hope of Audacity Was--Re: [ARSCLIST] Seeking recommendations for oral history digitization equipment (fwd)

-----Original Message-----
>From Craig Breaden: "... is digital preservation of audio something smaller
can actually do, given present standards and opinions on what
constitutes accurate rendering, without without blowing the budget (if
there even is one)?..."

There is little reason to believe there is any relationship between accuracy
and price in audio software!

Last night I decided to pull out one of my favorite CDs and I was feeling
too lazy to swap a cable in order to use my CD player rather than playing it
in the computer. After trying the usual Apple and Microsoft suspects, I
pulled the CD up in the freebee Foobar which turned out to be the only
player at hand that didn't audibly distort the sound because I could disable
all of the DSP functions in the preferences.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com    http://www.thewombforums.com

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