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Re: [ARSCLIST] Visual evaluation of 78s

Everything Malcolm says is true. My friend and mentor Art Shifrin taught me -- clean it first, clean it well, then play it with the right stylus. Old records get all kinds of crud in the grooves from those lousy old "albums" they're usually stored in.

Malcolm's statement about modern playback methods combined with tasteful use of software can be experienced in the Mosaic set of Bix/Tram/Big Tea:

The difference in the Bix stuff compared to old LP reissues and the CBS early-era CD's is shocking. Listmember Doug Pomeroy did the disk transfers. I have a few of the original Bix 78's and the 78 reissue albums from the 40's (all in decent but not pristine shape) and none of those hold a candle, no matter how I clean them or what stylus I use. I assume Doug had access to metal parts. If not, then this work is all the more impressive.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Malcolm Smith" <malcolms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Visual evaluation of 78s

A thought to add to this. Years ago I bought a 78 rpm record for a few coins in order to hear it. It appeared to be in poor condition. and played very poorly. After cleaning with detergent and a shaving brush, it looked excellent and played very well. I might have retired it to the garbage bin if I hadn't cleaned it.

It also might be pointed out that very rare records, today, can be processed with audio software, often producing a very good result. A cracked record, if it hasn't been played a lot producing damage along the crack, or a record with bad needle scratches can often be run through audio software removing the clicks that are heard on each rotation. A lot of records that were thrown out in the past, today, would have new life thanks to the digital revolution.

How the records are played is another factor. Some records that play very poorly with a standard size stylus play well with a custom stylus of the right size. A friend years ago who issued LPs from rare 78s sometimes copied them to tape played in reverse - from the inside to the outside. This sometimes made a considerable difference.

There are examples of unpublished records that are better versions of the music than the same titles published. Some appear to be unpublished because the singer was too close or too far from the horn. Unlike the times when these recordings were made, they play well on modern equipment.

Malcolm Smith.

On Aug 6, 2008, at 7:59 AM, Clark Johnsen wrote:

To my mind there are two types of problem.

-- Surface blemishes are relatively easy to see and span the range  from
actual cracks and gouges and dimples, to small-area abrasions of
different depths -- plus fingerprints and mold, never good signs.

-- Groove wear in a well-handled (or machine-handled) disc can  easily escape
notice until a grayish pall from too much use overtakes the usually  hard
surface of the groove walls. This condition is far less easy to  rate in its
intermediate stages, although a corollary indicator can be the  condition of
the center hole.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 2:01 PM, John Ross <johnross@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a set of established standards for visual evaluation of  78 rpm
discs? I'm working with the owner of a significant collection to  catalog the
discs and ultimately transfer them to digital form. I would like  to include
a preliminary note about the apparent condition of  each disc as  part of the
preliminary catalog.

Obviously, the ultimate evaluation of each disc requires playing  it, but as
a first step, I want to go with a visual examination.

So I will welcome your pointers to any kind of commonly accepted  terms for
describing 78s. Thanks in advance.

John Ross

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