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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sinatra & Ella: The King and the Queen.

When asked who he thought the greatest singer of all time was Sinatra said "you mean _besides_ Ella Fitzgerald?".
I would have to agree. I grew up with Ella's music from birth and in her prime she was just the textbook example of what great singing is all about. Even later in life when I saw her with Count Basie and Dizzy as the featured soloist
she just tore the house down, brick by brick. The cats in the band when the weren't playing just sat there with their mouths hanging open, "catching flies".

She was really that good.


James L Wolf wrote:
As singers of the 20th C. go, for me, the only one who is in Frank's league is Om Kalthoum (or however you wanna transliterate her name). And he's pretty much the only other one in her league.


Ken Fritz <kftooldesign@xxxxxxxxxxx> 07/06/08 8:57 PM >>>
This is a bachelor weekend for me as Sue is visiting her family out of town. I'm playing the best vocals I have and that begins with Frank. I'd never heard Frank live until Sue bought front row tickets for his performance in Richmond Va. It was my birthday present and what a surprise it was. Frank was overcome by the moment and had to be taken to the hospital as his performance came to an end.

I've always had a pecking order regarding the best male - female vocal artists. Being 66 years of age, I've had enough time, if not exposure to the wide range of artists the ARSC LISTERS have had, to settle on those whom I choose to listen to.

Tonight I listened to Frank Sinatra Duets. I heard the great contemporary singers paired with Frank , "aka" Nat King Cole and Tina Cole. FRANK first, #2,3,4 ? Male , Female.

Your thoughts,

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