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Hi Matt

We currently have a staff member from Radio New Zealand Sound Archives/Nga
Taonga Korero who is doing this course and thoroughly enjoying it and
learning a lot of great stuff.  http://www.soundarchives.co.nz/



On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Prentice, Will <Will.Prentice@xxxxx> wrote:

> hi Matt
> the interenships are open to all internationally, however the intern must
> be legally entitled to live and work in the UK, which for non-UK passport
> holders will mean applying for a work visa. This is not necessarily as
> onerous as it sounds - we are currently hosting interns from South Africa
> and New Zealand.
> Regards
> Will Prentice
> ________________________________
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List on behalf of Matthew
> Snyder
> Sent: Wed 26/03/2008 13:30
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>>>>My question is,does anything comparable exist in the US,if not,why?
> Internships happen on request in many places all the time, but very few of
> them ever pay a stipend as BL is doing. The key thing is whether
> institutions are willing to have interns.   I'm curious whether BL is
> accepting non-Britains for the program, in the interest of keeping rare
> talent within the nation.
> Matt Snyder
> Music Archivist
> Wilson Processing Project
> The New York Public Library
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