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Re: [ARSCLIST] Repeating request--Mahler records needed


With reference to this comment - "I have,as a whole,found this list to
be very disappointing,as far as both learning esoteric discographic
information,and filling record wants."

ARSC, meaning Association for Recorded Sound Collections, is not just
confined to the topic of discography.  I understand there are other
lists out there that are more specific to that subject and perhaps you
might like to research that for yourself and join one that will fill
your needs.

I, for one, am interested in analogue tape and the preservation of
this.   I value this group and the collective knowledge held globally. 
However, for someone, such as yourself, who is disappointed in this list
why do you have to answer almost all topics, infact, the past nine.  The
statement and actions just don't add up to me.

Thanking you


>>> thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx 20/03/2008 7:47 a.m. >>>

I'm sorry,but classical vocal is not my strong suit.I assume the first
one is on the black label,with the world globe on it.I only have a
couple of records on this label,which I bought from eBay Germany,not
eBay US.I would suggest you spend a few months looking around
there,andcontact some of the sellers of classical 78s.

I have,as a whole,found this list to be very disappointing,as far as
both learning esoteric discographic information,and filling record


David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: I sent this a couple of
weeks ago, but no reply other than identifying a Royale 
LP referred to originally. So, I pose it again.

Does anyone know of the following? Originals, loan of same, or a good
transfer. Needed for discographical purposes.

DOL DAUBER SALON ORCH: Das Lied & Wunderhorn arrangements
>rec. September 28, 1928 in Vienna)
    (78: Austrian Electrola * AM 1547; mX BW1846-1)

PAUL VAN KEMPEN, Corry Bijster, Hilversum Radio Orchestra: Mahler: Sym
     (78: Telefunken SK 3862-7) (rel.5-51)


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