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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dynadoodoo Re: [ARSCLIST] Exactly how many labels did RCA press records for in the 50s/60s ?

This is  a real pet peeve of mine.Scientific and medical journals should post all of their content on the web to be read free of charge.


Michael Shoshani <mshoshani@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi Roger,

This isn't something I have. The line from my post is a quote from an
article to which I had linked; a 1960s review of Dynagroove from
Stereophile magazine.

*I'd* be interested in reading this, but as I recall AEA charges a
hefty fee for reprints.

--- Roger and Allison Kulp  wrote:

> I would be VERY interested in reading this.Please send me  a copy.
>                                      Roger
> Michael Shoshani  wrote: Tom Fine wrote:
> "The April 1964 issue of the Journal of the Audio Engineering
> Society 
> carried a detailed article by RCA's Dr. Harry F. Olson, which shed 
> considerable new light on the controversial RCA Victor Dynagroove
> system."
> J. Gordon Holt was NOT a fan of Dynagroove...
> Michael Shoshani
> Chicago
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