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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Memberships 2008

The following message has been posted by the Outreach Committee of the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). If you have any
questions, please click on the link or e-mail address below.


We would like to remind those of you who are not members to please consider
joining the Association for Recorded Sound Collections.

ARSC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and study of
sound recordings -- in all genres of music and speech, in all formats, and
from all periods. ARSC is unique in bringing together private individuals
and institutional professionals -- everyone with a serious interest in
recorded sound.

As a member, you will receive:

-- The peer-reviewed ARSC Journal: published twice each year, containing a
wealth of in-depth articles, papers, reports, and book and record reviews.

-- The ARSC Newsletter: published three times per year, delivering timely
announcements, short articles, and a calendar of coming events (submitted by
the membership).

-- The ARSC Membership Directory: compiled every two years, providing
contact information for members and listing their collecting interests and
research activities.

-- Discounted registration for the annual ARSC conference.

The benefits of membership don't stop there. You can learn from or
participate in one of ARSC's many committees that serve the needs of both
amateurs and professionals. For instance, the Technical Committee provides
guidance on the most effective application of technology to preserve and
make accessible collections of sound recordings. The Copyright and Fair Use
Committee monitors information and developments related to sound
recording-related legal issues, and has led ARSC in its role as an active
advocate for legal reform, to assure preservation of and access to our audio

A one-year membership is just $36 for individuals, $40 for institutions.
First-time members save $3. Any amount donated beyond the Individual or
Institutional dues levels may be tax deductible.

If you are a full-time student, don't forget ARSC's very favorable,
discounted membership of $20 per year. Enjoy all benefits and privileges at
nearly half off the regular Individual Membership Rate. (Sorry, no
additional $3 discount on new student memberships.)

To join, please visit http://www.arsc-audio.org, or contact Peter
Shambarger, ARSC Executive Director, at execdir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anna-Maria Manuel
ARSC Outreach Committee Chair

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