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Re: [ARSCLIST] analog to digital converter question

at the present day in professional studio working the MOTU 2408, an
external device which communicates with the computer via a specific
PCI card, is considered as a standard.
It works on Mac and PC (even if it has many trobules with AMD
motherboard chipset).
I've a MOTU 2408 MKII whic has 8 analogue inputs and 8 outputs with
A/D converters considered really good. Until yesterday I used my MOTU
to "capture" music from open reel tapes coming from an old archive and
to be used as master for a CD, so we are speaking of a professional
and archivial needs compatible quality.
The 2408 give also the chance of communicating with other digital
interface via TDIF, S/PDIF, ADAT. The new one costs quite more tha
500$ but, e.g., I bought mine used, in perfect condition, for 250 Euro
(about 300 $). The MKII works at 24 bit 44.1/48 kHz.
There is a new version (MKIII) which works also at 96 kHz, but a lot
of people think that 2408 MKII converters are good enough to keep
using it.
I hope it may be a good suggestion.

Alessandro Bellafiore
+39 091 217615
+39 392 4113608
Viale Regina Margherita, 42
90138 Palermo

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